Can a virus hide in a PC's CMOS memory?

Can a virus hide in a PC's CMOS memory?

The CMOS RAM in which PC system information is stored and backed up   by batteries is accessible through the I/O ports and not directly  addressable.
That is, in order to read its contents you have to use I/O instructions rather than standard memory addressing techniques.  Therefore, anything stored in CMOS is not directly "in memory". Nothing in a normal machine loads the data from CMOS and executes it, so a virus  that "hid" in CMOS RAM would still have to infect an executable object of some kind in order to load and execute whatever had been written to  CMOS.
A malicious virus can of course *alter* values in the CMOS as   part of its payload, but it can't spread  through, or hide itself in, the  CMOS.   

Further, most PCs have only 64 bytes of CMOS RAM and the use of the  first 48 bytes of this is  predetermined by the IBM AT specification. Several BIOS'es also use many of the "extra" bytes of CMOS to hold their  own, machine-specific settings. This means that anything that a virus stores in CMOS can't be very large. A virus could use some of the   "surplus" CMOS RAM to hide a small part of its body (e.g. its payload,  counters, etc). Any executable code stored there, however, must first   be extracted to ordinary memory in order to be executed.

This issue should not be confused with whether a virus can *modify* the contents of a PC's CMOS RAM. Of course viruses can, as this memory is  not specially protected (on normal PCs), so any program that knows how to change CMOS contents can do so. Some viruses do fiddle with the contents of CMOS RAM (mostly with ill-intent) and these have often been  incorrectly reported as "infecting CMOS" or "hiding in CMOS". An example is the PC boot sector virus EXE_Bug, which changes CMOS settings to indicate that no floppy drives are present